Hello, those who have visited this blog over the past few months! It's been a blessing to see all the various posts and support you've given me as I've gone through this struggle with ovarian cancer. It has meant all the difference in the world, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate each and every one of you. 

So, why haven't I made any recent updates? Well, simply because there's not much to update. I have made it through five treatments and have only one more to go. The hangup: I need to have a higher white blood cell count for my oncologist to be comfortable enough to do the final treatment. The team is letting my body rest for a bit to let the cells start regenerating on their own before checking my levels again. At first I wasn't thrilled about it, because I really want this to be over, like, yesterday. However, knowing that one of the reasons to have my WBC count up is to prevent any problem with my immune system's ability to fight off viruses & illnesses. That was brought home this past week when I contracted a cold and had to restrict myself to the house, taking anything that had vitamin C in it to fight it off. With prayers and isolation, I'm over it now, but now I see the wisdom in going slowly. We're also exploring a possible option to give my body a boost in regenerating the WBC's - we'll see how that goes.

I just saw on ESPN's website that Lance Armstrong has stepped down from his position at LiveStrong, the foundation he created to help those with all forms of cancer. Afterwards, while Nike and Anheuser-Busch will both continue to support the foundation, they've both dropped Lance from their endorsement contracts with him. It is a really sad ending to what has been the longest-running 'sports doping' story in this country. Now instead of remembering the good that the foundation has done and will continue to do (don't stop sending in donations, folks!), it will be associated with someone who very well may turn out to be guilty as charged of cheating to win at his sport. (Side note: before I corrected it to say 'the foundation' I started to type 'his (Lance's) foundation', which shows how much folks will continue to associate Livestrong with Lance Armstrong.) 

He's still claiming that everything that USADA is doing is a witch hunt, but at this point I think we're just waiting to see UCI strip him of the Tour de France titles (which I think they're leaning towards doing) and Lance - after years of denial, denial, denial - finally acknowledging that he did do what most of the top riders in cycling did in order to be able to compete with them. 

And then, we can let a tear fall in sympathy for him.

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