As I was writing the previous blog post, I was reminded yet again of my upcoming 19th wedding anniversary (praise the Lord!). Hard to believe it’s been that long. If God blesses us to see 19 more, I’ll be more than satisfied.

At the same time, I can’t help but be a little down because of where we’re at this year. We were coming off a rough year dealing with my DH’s amputation and the recovery from that, plus losing some very close friends of ours from long bouts with cancer and other unexpected medical issues.  To have this illness that I’m going
through now come up so suddenly plus an unexpected setback with my DH’s health
has placed us in a spot where we’re unable physically or financially to do
anything to celebrate this year unless we plan something for the fall around his birthday and do a two-in-one celebration.

I know, we should be happy to be here to celebrate it – and we are.  We’re still in love, and still would rather be with each other than anyone else. It’s just that we want to be able to spoil the other just once in a while – especially on our three
special days (birthdays and anniversary), and to not be able to do that hurts a
bit. (Though now DH is saying he'll cook all day tomorrow - yea!)

We’ll probably get a bottle of sparkling cider, cook something a little special, rent
something from Redbox and settle in for the night, secure in the knowledge that
we have each other, and God’s got us. That in itself is enough to celebrate! 
So, I’m posting this in advance so I won’t have to think about posting it while I’m
in celebration mode tomorrow. Have a blessed day, and – you know the rest!

7/9/2012 02:12:02 pm

Congratulations!! Not many couples make it to their 19th, you are so very lucky to have each other. Enjoy your day tomorrow!! Love ya!

7/10/2012 04:30:03 am

Not many make it to 19 years, and if you've got each other that's enough. God Bless You Both!!! Love Yall! WOOT, WOOT!!


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